Service Details

Network Audit and Assessment

Regular network audits and assessments are essential, though often neglected activities that help to ensure your network (and your business) continue to run smoothly and provide the services needed.

Network Audit

A network audit is focused on discovery and inventory to validate the design, align support contracts, assess compliance requirements and answer other questions about the state of the network and identify tactical changes that may be required to support additional functionality or bring the network to a standard.

  • Validate configuration hygiene - devices are configured to standards
  • Device inventories are accurate and CMDB, Network Management System and Source of Truth are consistent
  • All devices have current support and maintenance agreements
  • Systems are running current, patched versions of software
  • Identify equipment that is nearing end of life or end of support

Network Assessment

Network assessments are used to develop an understanding of your network, determine how well it is serving your business needs and to provide critical insights and guidance as to how it might be improved or optimized.

The assessment findings provide a summary report of overall network health and suitability for general and specific use cases, along with any recommendations for changes.

Network Design and Architecture

- Failure to plan is a plan to fail

Just because it is a cliche doesn't mean it's not true.

Network Design

Network designs are not forever. In the same way that your business evolves, adapts and changes over time, so too must the network. A static network design from years ago should not be expected to fit all future needs. We will help you develop a new network design to best meet the needs of your business for the next 3-5 years.

Network Architecture

A formal network architecture is crucial for small and large networks alike. This provides the roadmap to guide network design and future projects to ensure they align with and support overall business objectives and strategy. Without a defined network architecture to provide guidance, entropy erodes and decays the network over time, introducing risk and increaing the costs and level of effort required to maintain and manage the network.

Why do I care about Network Architecture?

The benefits of establishing and maintaining a network architecture is a network infrastructure that is performant, reliable and resilient, and can be adapted to evolving needs, while the ongoing planning and iteration mitigates risk and unexpected costs for significant unanticipated upgrades or hardware refresh cycles.

Network Implementation

Our network experts are available to help deliver on your projects today - we can burn down your backlog and deliver the new systems and services reducing time to value.


  • Software updates and patching
  • Proof of Concept/Proof of Value
  • Hardware refresh and network modernization
  • Configuration standardization
  • Lab testing and validation
  • Network documentation
  • Capacity Planning
  • Quality of Service
  • IPv6

Your network is the foundation of your business infrastructure and directly influences the success of your business, let us help transform it into the infrastructure your business needs.

Network Security

The digital world is vast, complex, and unsafe. To protect your business, your people and your customers, a multi-faceted CyberSecurity program is absolutely critical.

As with the rest of your business data and applications, the network is the foundation that underlies your CyberSecurity program and requires a disciplined approach to putting the appropriate security measures in place to prevent system and network compromises, data exfiltration, malware infections and all kinds of other threats.

For all of the steps we may take to secure our environments, it is ultimately a futile effort. You must be correct 100% of the time, bad actors only have to be right once. For this reason it is essential to have a means of containment and detection so that intruders do not have free lateral access through your environment, but will be limited in what they can reach from any given system. You will also want to have sensors and systems in place to detect this activity, and once detected, you will be able to enact your CyberRecovery plan to mitigate the threat and recover your environment. You have a plan, right?

Let's talk about how we can help

  • Perimeter Security
  • Network Segmentation
  • VPN and SASE
  • Detection and Response
  • CyberRecovery

Network Insights

There is never enough time for everything that needs attention, whether it be software patching or proactive network operations, most organizations report being underresourced and fall into a reactive triage mode, foregoing maintenance activities and proactive planning.

If this scenario seems familiar, you are not alone, let us share the burden with you. Our Network Insights program is a shared operations approach where we ingest data from your Network Management System (Don't have a NMS? We can help with that too!), perform select audit functions and review other observability metrics and provide you with a monthly health report that provides a summary view of your network, highlighting any areas of concern, opportunities for optimization or other notable information, along with recommendations for action.

Managed Network Services

For most companies, the network is an essential and critical piece of infrastructure, but it is not a differentiator for their business or part of their overall product or service offering, it is infrastructure just like pumbing and electrical.

In the same way that most companies do not maintain and operate their own plumbing and electrical systems, most companies don't need to manage and operate their network infrastructure either. This is a specialized function requiring expertise that likely does not provide specific value to your business. What you need are the services a network provides, delivered reliably and consistently.

Networks are our specialty and are the core of our business. We can mananage and operate your network on your behalf, operating it to the service level required for your business. This provides you with the services you need, along with access to domain experts to keep the system optimized and available, and allows your staff to use their time to greater effect in higher value areas of your business.

Wide-Area Networking

Connecting sites together locally or around the world seems simple enough, but the devil is in the details. From the variety of connectivity options and requirements, to the various service providers and products available, it can be a difficult and complex decision to design a solution to provide the network connectivity that your sites need, to say nothing of doing it securely, resiliently and cost-effectively!

Typical network transports used for wide-area network connectivity:
  • MPLS
  • Metro Ethernet
  • Private Line
  • Dark Fiber
  • Internet Access
  • Fixed Wireless
  • LEO Satellite

Often multiple transports will be combined from multiple service providers due to geography or availability requirements. The network transport is then commonly combined with technologies such as IPSEC VPN, IP VPN, GRE and SD-WAN/SASE to incorporate security, traffic engineering and other functionality.

Let us help you explore the possibilities and develop a design that addresses your requirements and delivers the services you need.

Cloud Networking

The Cloud is just someone elses data center, right? Effectively, yes, but if you have spent much time in cloud infrastructure, you soon understand that everything is similar, but different. Much of the language, concepts and ideas are the same, but they are implemented and behave differently, sometime in subtle ways, other times more obviously so.

The same is true when it comes to Cloud Networking, possibly even more so. Gone are VLANs and broadcast domains, honeslty Layer-2 for the most part. Networking within public cloud providers is a whole new way of networking and requires careful consideration and planning to avoid future problems.

Similarly, there are a variety of ways to connect your users and sites to the public cloud, from simply accessing them over the Internet, to a VPN, SD-WAN, direct connectivity or connectivity through a service provider or carrier neutral facility. Which one to choose?

Connect with us, we can answer your questions and provide the cloud network design you need to be successful.

Network Automation

It's 2024, enough of us people working on technology, let's put technology to work for us!

Truly, the time has finally come that we can begin to automate our infrastructure, and we should all be very happy about this. Aside from the tedium of managing a network and all of the devices on it manually by hand, it is extremely labor intensive, slow, and error prone. In fact, human error is the single biggest cause for network outages (by a huge margin).

Change management is one of the most obvious use cases, and derives significant benefit from automation, especially as the number of network devices increases, but there are many, many more benefits to be had from network automation.

  • Increased Efficiency
  • Improvide Availability
  • Reduce Human Error
  • Enhance Scalability
  • Standardization
  • Network Analysis
  • Improved Security Posture
  • Maintain Compliance

Network automation can be a force multiplier for your network, and we can help you start your journey.